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Programming Jokes API

Programming Jokes API

Programming Jokes API with Filters developed by Sitern

API Reference

Get all Jokes

GET /jokes

    "text": "Dev1 saw a strange JavaScript function & asked, \"What is this?\". 
    Dev2 responded, \"I don't know. I would've called you, but I was in a bind\"",
    "author": "elijahmanor",
    "created": "09/09/2013",
    "tags": ["javascript"],
    "rating": 3

Filter Jokes by Rating

GET /jokes/greaterThanRating/{rating[e.g., 1, 2, 3]}

    "text": "Dev1 saw a strange JavaScript function & asked, \"What is this?\". 
    Dev2 responded, \"I don't know. I would've called you, but I was in a bind\"",
    "author": "elijahmanor",
    "created": "09/09/2013",
    "tags": ["javascript"],
    "rating": 3

Filter Jokes by Author Name

GET /jokes/filterByName/{name[e.g., elijahmanor]}

    "text": "Dev1 saw a strange JavaScript function & asked, \"What is this?\". 
    Dev2 responded, \"I don't know. I would've called you, but I was in a bind\"",
    "author": "elijahmanor",
    "created": "09/09/2013",
    "tags": ["javascript"],
    "rating": 3

Filter Jokes by Language Tag

GET /jokes/getByTag/{tag[e.g., javascript, css]}

    "text": "Dev1 saw a strange JavaScript function & asked, \"What is this?\". 
    Dev2 responded, \"I don't know. I would've called you, but I was in a bind\"",
    "author": "elijahmanor",
    "created": "09/09/2013",
    "tags": ["javascript"],
    "rating": 3

Add a New Joke

PUT /jokes/addJoke

    "text": "Dev1 saw a strange JavaScript function & asked, \"What is this?\". 
    Dev2 responded, \"I don't know. I would've called you, but I was in a bind\"",
    "author": "elijahmanor",
    "created": "09/09/2013",
    "tags": ["javascript"],
    "rating": 3
